
3pl & Warehousing Solutions

Struggling to understand where your stock is, spending too much time on manual data entry – these issues are common for SME’s storing their goods in 3pl facilities. They’re also frustrating your business’s potential, let alone wasting your time and money.

CITO Transport has a warehouse management system created specifically to solve these problems and to streamline your day-to-day operations. Take advantage of a software solution designed to simplify the complexities that stifle stock management today, and find out what your company is really capable of.

Doing everything manually may work, but if you want your business to grow, it’s almost impossible to reach that next level without a streamlining your process with your 3pl facility.

  1. Automated Data-Entry
  2. Automate Your Invoicing
  3. Simple EDI or complex API you can have your jobs automated
  4. Completely transparent reporting ( stock movement, historical data, stock counts)
  5. Quality assurance (live damaged/missing stock reports)
  6. Simple Conversions on SKU’s


3pl Tech Capabilities

Automated Invoices

All the complex rate calculations are done when it comes to invoicing and then pushes to your accounting software.

Batch Control

Simple to control batches with CITO where you load in the custom field which you can then search on

Stock Statuses

Quarantine, damages and other stock issues can be easily managed through stock statuses

Stock movement report

See ins and outs for a single product or you can easily filter for a specific expiry/batch number. 

Location Efficiencies

Define location efficiencies in our warehouse to ensure the most accessible stock is picked. 

Historic Stock

It’s so simple, all you need to do is enter the date and click Go. Stock reports are available for any historic date.

Online 24/7/365

You or your clients can login online to create jobs, check stock levels, download invoices and ePOD’s. 

Multiple Packaging

Handle products with multiple product packagings/configurations without needing two SKU’s

Bulk Locations

Create unique pallets within bulk locations automatically when performing movements or put-away’s. 

Stock Alerts

You or your clients can login online to create jobs, check stock levels, download invoices and ePOD’s. 

4pl Friendly

Transparently manage off-site warehouses with customer logins so everyone is on the same page.

Online Retail Integration

Whether you sell digitally or partnered with a digital retailer. CITO can help you integrate directly into online store checkouts making order fulfilment a breeze.